Wednesday 18 July 2012

Solar Tracking System

Solar is a non conventional source of energy, considering this we have developed solar panels so that we can fulfill our electricity need. But due to revolution of the earth, solar source i.e sun does not face the panel continuously hence less electricity is produced. The energy panel should face the SUN till it is present in a day.
The problem above can be solved by our system by tracking the solar energy. The block diagram below shows system architecture it consist of a LDR sensor senses max solar power which is being given to the Microcontroller through the ADC which digitizes the LDR output. Controller then takes the decision according to then algorithm and tilts the panel towards the direction of the max energy given by LDR with the help of DC Motor . The Motor is used to rotate the LDR to sense the max solar power.
PC interfacing module is used to give the feedback to the system monitoring unit. 
 Solar Tracking System 

Description in detail:
On the monitoring station which receives the data send by the system. This data is logged into the PC. The RS232 converter is used to connect the microcontroller to PC which convert PC"s CMOS level to Controller"s TTL level n vice versa.
Limit sensors or Touch sensors are provided to sense the starting and ending position of the solar panel.
Keypad is provided to adjust the starting position of the solar panel. 

Project Cost :    Rupee 8,000/- 

contact me :-              or        ph:-  8421346407

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