Wednesday 18 July 2012

AVR Development Board

This AVR development board is designed for beginners.
This product is a must for those who are using AVR for first the time and planning to learn the AVR thoroughly.

While using this Kit, you will come to know that learning AVR is a fun.
But for this you will need Programmer, Hardware, Softwares and Sample source codes, this development board covers all of these.

This AVR development board is targetted for ATmega16 and ATmega32.
You will get sample source code in C language for AVRs.

List of modules:
Using this board you can interface AVR with following On-board circuits:
    1) LEDs
    2) 16x2 LCD
    3) Stepper Motor Driver
    4) 8 bit ADC
    5) RS232
    6) Temperature Sensor
    7) EEPROM
    8) 4x4 matrix keypad
    9) DC Motor Driver
And any externally connected interface circuits

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